
GOP and Democrats Push Budgets, With a Divide on Deficits, Surpluses

Associated Press

Republicans steered a $2.1-trillion budget for next year toward House passage Wednesday that mirrors President Bush’s plan of strengthening defense and domestic security while allowing deficits to return.

The Senate’s majority Democrats unfurled their own fiscal blueprint of the same amount and planned to shove it through its budget panel today. It focuses on generating surpluses without using Social Security funds by 2008, while embracing Bush’s defense proposals for two years and outspending him for schools, health and road building.

A budget stalemate is likely this year.

“We have led on our side,” said Rep. Mark Steven Kirk (R-Ill.), scolding House Democrats who offered no alternative budget. “We have a plan to protect Social Security. We have a plan to prosecute the war. We have a plan to provide tax relief for Americans.”


Democrats criticized Republicans for a budget that would use $831 billion in Social Security surpluses over five years to pay for other programs. They said that was thanks to the money soaked up by the $1.35-trillion, 10-year tax cut Republicans won last year.
