
Security Czar Needs More Power

It’s comforting to hear that our security czar Tom Ridge had “countless” conversations with lots of agencies before coming up with the color-coded warning system so proudly unveiled the other day. It would have been nice if, instead of getting just the right color, he had landed on the various departments and agencies with both feet! The FAA, the departments of Transportation and Health and Human Services, the INS, etc., are all dragging their feet for various reasons--usually something to do with interfering with commerce or business or profits.

Yep, it would have been nice, except that Ridge has no power. The Bush administration, in another demonstration of its, so far, cosmetic and diverting war on terrorism, saw fit to not make Ridge a Cabinet member. As a result, he cannot make the sweeping changes in our immigration regulations, airport security measures, in-flight defensive measures and border protection that are needed to effectively protect our nation from various fanatics and zealots. All he can do is suggest and advise.

OK, President Bush, prove that your stirring utterances are not mere political and partisan gamesmanship. Give Ridge the power he needs to get the job done.


Tom Reinberger

