
U.S. Troops Treat Philippine Soldiers Hurt in Rebel Clash

From Associated Press

Muslim extremists unleashed a volley of grenades and small arms fire on a Philippine army patrol Tuesday, wounding two soldiers and prompting Green Berets to try to retrieve the injured men--only the second time Americans have ventured into the combat zone.

The clash between about 30 Philippine troops and a group of Abu Sayyaf rebels erupted within earshot of the Green Berets as they attended a town meeting on the southern island of Basilan to discuss residents’ safety concerns.

At least four rebels were killed in several hours of fighting near the town of Lantawan, officials said. Elite Philippine troops captured six rebels as they fled the fighting.


After a series of frantic radio calls, the four Green Berets learned that a Philippine platoon commander and one of his men were wounded.

The elite U.S. troops piled into a pickup truck and headed out to evacuate the wounded Philippine soldiers.

Heavy fighting blocked the rescue effort, and the two wounded soldiers eventually were pulled by their comrades to the safety of a helicopter landing zone where they were tended to by the Green Berets.


About 660 U.S. troops are in the south to train Philippine forces to fight the rebels. The Americans have been in combat zones only to treat the wounded. On Friday, two U.S. helicopters evacuated three wounded Philippine soldiers.
