
Scholarships at Pomona

Unfortunately, the information about Pomona College in “Scholarships for Achievement, Not Need, Increase Rapidly” (June 17) gave an inaccurate picture of Pomona’s financial aid program. While the figure quoted regarding the average family income of Pomona aid recipients was correct, the impression was given that we were among the schools “shifting more of their money into scholarships based solely or partly on merit.”

Instead, Pomona’s financial aid program is completely need-based. We are also one of the few schools that have a need-blind admissions policy and still meet the full demonstrated financial need of every student admitted. Because Pomona College is strong financially, we are financially able to give more money to more students. During 2001-02, a total of approximately $19.4 million was awarded to 773 Pomona students in the form of financial aid. The average aid package was about $25,000.

Cynthia A. Peters

Associate Director, Public

Affairs, Pomona College
