
Coddling a Senator ... It’s the Same Old Story

Re “It’s a Grand Old Party for Thurmond as He Turns 100 and Leaves the Senate,” Dec. 5: It’s good to know that when one of our legislators becomes so infirm that he has to be held up to vote in Congress, his fellow members are willing to do this for him, as they did for Sen. Strom Thurmond (R-S.C.). When he is housed in a suite at Walter Reed Army Hospital, taxpayers are willing to pay for his keep.

What a health insurance plan! How can I get one of these? The many, many people in this country without health insurance should be interested in the health care their Congress is entitled to and they are not. Business as usual? I think not. Business for Congress is better than usual.

Sandy Sciortino

North Hollywood


The use of the words “Grand Old Party” in conjunction with the name Strom Thurmond is a total distortion of the facts. Thurmond hated the ideals of Abraham Lincoln and the GOP. The senator from South Carolina did not serve America. He served his ambitious personal needs and the Old Confederacy. He never was, nor will he ever be, a statesman.


Thurmond is a racial rabble-rouser and has been called a woeful womanizer. Political analyst Ferrel Guillory is right. We should not ignore his history.

Paul P. DuPlessis

Diamond Bar
