
Supplements that may promote weight loss

Herbal supplements labeled as “ephedra free” often contain substances believed to encourage weight loss, although few have been scientifically tested for that use. They include:

Guarana: A herbal source of caffeine, which can increase activity to help burn calories.

Damiana: An herb considered to be a digestive aid.

Green tea: A caffeine-containing herb.

Tyrosine: An amino acid that might improve energy levels and mood.

Coleus: An herb popular in the ancient Indian healing practice of Ayurveda that is believed to stimulate the release of insulin.

St. John’s wort: An herb best known for possible mood-lifting effects.

Sarsaparilla root: An herb known as a general tonic; might act as diuretic, promoting the release of urine and reducing water in the body.


Nettle leaf: An herb that acts as a diuretic.

Gamma linoleic acid: Fatty acid that is believed to increase metabolism.

Conjugated linoleic acid: A naturally occurring acid that might be an insulin aid to help lower blood sugar.

Chromium: A trace mineral also believed to promote insulin efficiency.

Hydroxycitric acid: An extract from the Garcinia cambogia fruit touted to suppress appetite and induce weight loss.

-- Shari Roan
