
Publishing the Names of Sex Partners

Re “Florida Wants All the Details From Mothers in Adoption Notices,” Aug. 21: Three valid questions: How many people are there in the Florida Legislature? Is this a rare case of group dementia? Was there not one single person who thought this out and considered the consequences?

The very idea of a woman or child required by law to publish her sex life in one or more newspapers sounds like something the Taliban would have come up with. If this law is enforced, I would like to see published nationally the sex life of every bonehead person involved in passing it.

Nancy Allen

Van Nuys


Requiring mothers in Florida to run a gantlet of embarrassing procedures to give up a child for adoption is a giant step in the wrong direction. You don’t have to be a student of unintended consequences to realize that this will result in increased child abuse up to and including infanticide.


We won’t know what the real rate of infanticide is. All we know for sure is that some mothers are foolish enough to put the baby or the body in a dumpster. The Florida Legislature needs to think about this one a little more.

Richard Sand

