
Why Is Bush Beating the Drums of War?

It is obvious that the Bush administration doesn’t have the ability or the intention to make an informed decision regarding the next step in its war on terrorism. Without any proof that Saddam Hussein or Iraq had anything to do with the attacks on Sept. 11 (despite an exhaustive search by the FBI and the CIA), the administration is trying to manufacture the truth to suit its military goals. Meanwhile, as stated in Robert Scheer’s Aug. 20 commentary, 15 of the hijackers and Osama bin Laden are from Saudi Arabia, our ally.

These are strange, dangerous times for the U.S. and the world. We desperately need a leader with a basic understanding of the history and the complexities of the region, someone who can take a step back and develop a working strategy to save lives and prevent war. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney are not up to that challenge. I predict that invading Iraq--as a quasi-response to what happened last year--will be a catastrophe. It will bring worldwide condemnation and create an even more enduring hatred from factions around the globe. The Bush administration will deal with the fallout for only two more years. We will have to deal with the effects indefinitely.

Mitch O’Farrell

Glassell Park


Bush intends that the U.S. carry out the first overt aggression against another sovereign country since ... when? Mexico in 1846-48? (Plenty of covert activity by the CIA, etc., but that’s a different story.) Dubya forgets that it is the Defense Department--or will the name soon be changed back to the War Department?


G.E. Nordell

Culver City


When the leader of 4% of the world perceives himself as policeman of the world, it would be prudent to consider how the other 96% of the world views him.

William H. Forthman

