
Reopen Commissary at Closed El Toro Air Base

Re “County to Fund Study of Military Museum,” Aug. 8:

I read with interest the idea of turning the Tustin airship hangar into a military museum. This may be a good idea, but I have a better one. Why not honor our veterans by reopening the El Toro commissary for military veterans who were promised this?

My husband retired from the Marines after 20 years. Why must we drive to Camp Pendleton to get to a commissary? Other closed bases have kept their commissaries open because they care about their veterans. While all sides argue whether there should be a great park or a golf course, our veterans go wanting. It is beyond belief that the people of Orange County do not care about the active and retired military. I believe that they do. My question to the county supervisors and Irvine: Do you care?

Belle Brunner

