
Cypress Needs to Keep Fighting Cottonwood

Re “The Real Issue Is Revenue,” Aug. 11:

We have lived in Cypress since 1975 and want to publicly thank our outstanding City Council for having the fortitude to fight off the zealous Cottonwood Christian Center. It is not a waste of taxpayer money to continue this fight, because our council is striving to keep Cypress financially secure. That’s why we elected them. Every day we read stories of how lower-court rulings are overturned. It seems that the judges at the low end of the spectrum make rulings contrary to the law and higher-up courts correct their mistakes. And so this will happen with this situation too. Please keep fighting, Cypress. While a few people have signs that erroneously read “Please Don’t Take Cottonwood’s Land,” we would like a sign for our home that reads, “Please Don’t Take the Economic Future From Cypress.”

Jack and Lanie Kramer

