
Seeing the Signs of Visual Pollution

Re “Billboard Fight May Change State Landscape,” Aug. 6 and “Senate Tables Billboard Plan,” Aug. 7: Under the smokescreen that the plan would give cities more control over billboards, it would actually allow hundreds of these visual polluters on our freeways and highways statewide, where they are not allowed at present. Assembly Bill 2087, carried by Assemblywoman Jenny Oropeza (D-Long Beach), which actually passed the Assembly, is the work of the same billboard lobbyist who tried to put billboards on L.A.’s freeways last year but, fortunately, failed.

We wish to question the assemblywoman’s ulterior motive, urge Sen. Kevin Murray (D-Culver City), chairman of the Senate’s Transportation Committee, not to reconsider the tabled bill and warn all our senators against this bill that is so detrimental to California’s visual environment.

Ted Wu

Citizens Against Billboards

Los Angeles
