A New Prescription for Drug Coverage
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Re “A Simple Pill Is Easier to Swallow,” Commentary, Aug. 4: I have no argument with Michael Kinsley’s contention that “poor people” should have prescription drug coverage. However, he ignores two points: Payment of 95% of all out-of-pocket prescription drug costs of more than $4,000 annually could instead be considered to be an individual monthly premium of $333.33 and a couple’s monthly premium of $666.67--an insurance premium that only the few of us with high drug costs (and sufficient income) would be willing to pay. And it is possible for a husband and wife who are both receiving Social Security disability benefits (not SSI) to have high prescription drug costs but also have a combined income above 150% of the poverty line.
I propose that low-income seniors and married couples where both husband and wife are receiving Social Security disability income be covered by a Medicare-administered prescription drug plan. This proposal would target those most in need of prescription drug coverage and would be the most efficient to administer.
Elizabeth Karen Reinhart
Los Angeles