
Legislators Won’t Budge on the Budget

In response to “Detour Sought for Roadblock Over Budget,” Aug. 5: Why has the state budget not passed? Hmm--maybe it’s because Republicans are more worried about the “deprived” members of the upper class who will have to pay vehicle license fees on their multiple Mercedes-Benzes than about the quality of life for all Californians. In better times, the vehicle license fee was cut by half. If it were raised this year, the fee would still be lower than it was two years ago.

Yes, California is the “car capital” of the world. But how do Republicans think we pay for road repairs, the Highway Patrol and air pollution control? Do your job and pass the budget already.

Sumiko Braun



The reason California has “budget woes” is because this state is overloaded with a never-ending supply of liberal social programs and a never-ending supply of people taking full advantage of them. Well, there is no free lunch. Someone is paying for this, and we’re tired of it. I am sick of the liberal thinking that “you have extra, I need more, so hand it over.”


Marcy Ruffalo

