

I have been a touring golf professional for the past 13 years. I have played with every player mentioned in Bill Plaschke’s July 28 story “They Are Not Tiger Woods” and never thought of them as being African American. They were just more guys I had to beat to continue my own dream.

I am a Jewish American, and probably one of the finest Jewish golfers in the world. But you’ll never hear me complain that Steven Spielberg or Shawn Green aren’t doing enough for me or other Jews.

I am as broke as the next struggling golfer and would love to be fully sponsored, but if I do get money to play I would hope it would be because I can win, not because I am Jewish. Tiger does enough to help children--it’s not his responsibility to sponsor pro golfers. My advice to all aspiring tour players, to quote PGA Tour Commissioner Tim Finchem, “Just play better!”


Jon Levitt



Tiger Woods is the best golfer ever. He is not a spokesman for the NAACP or the National Women’s Rights League. He is not responsible for any other minority’s rights. His foundation contributes to charity. He cannot make everyone happy all the time. He handles the spotlight brilliantly. Get off his back and let him play golf.

Joe Synder

Thousand Oaks


Bill Plaschke could have written his story about a struggling black golfer without criticizing Tiger Woods, but not as many people would have read it, right?

Tiger must get thousands of requests for his time and money, so he wisely channels aid through his foundation.


Solving discrimination worldwide is not a job description for being the No. 1 golfer. Right now, isn’t it enough that he is a superb athlete and a gentleman?

Angeline Romito

Laguna Woods


Tiger Woods is not Joe Louis, Muhammad Ali, Jackie Robinson, Arthur Ashe, Wilt Chamberlain, Michael Jordan, Sugar Ray Robinson, Magic Johnson, Tommie Smith, John Carlos, Kobe Bryant or Shaquille O’Neal. Nor is he Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, Harry Belafonte, Denzel Washington, Will Smith, Bill Cosby or Jesse Jackson.

Tiger Woods is, on the other hand, Tiger Woods. Is this OK? Are we willing to let him be Tiger Woods?


Rev. Malcolm Boyd

Los Angeles


Even if Tiger Woods were African American (which isn’t clear, nor even important), that wouldn’t obligate him to associate with other African American golfers just because they’re African American.

Racism is ugly in all its forms. Please don’t publish any more articles like this where the sole intent seems to be to promote racial discontent.

Ronald Benkert

Marina del Rey
