
KCRW’s Last Straw

The cancellation of “KCRW Playhouse” made me decide not to renew my KCRW membership when it expired a couple of months ago (“Radio Drama Troupe Assails KCRW’s Cancellation of ‘Playhouse,’ ” by Elaine Dutka, July 24).

I’ve had a love-hate relationship with KCRW for 20 years, loving “All Things Considered” and Warren Olney but hating the cancellation of music shows I cared about (“Reggae Beat,” “African Beat”) and the gradual morphing of the station into Yuppie Music Central. Replacing “KCRW Playhouse” with more yuppie music was the final straw for me.

Ruth Seymour wants to “attract a younger audience.” It’s funny, though--she doesn’t ask for only “younger” dollars when she begs for money at pledge time. I hope a lot of other people like me who are sick of homogenized, brain-dead radio read Dutka’s article and vote with their financial feet when the next fund drive starts.



Santa Monica
