
Giving Federal Funds to Religious Charities

Re “House Passes Faith-Based Charity Plan,” July 20: My copy of the Constitution states: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.” The members of Congress who voted for this must be using a different version. If this bill becomes law, then tax dollars from adherents of non-deistic religions and from atheists will be used to fund these faith-based charities. Let us hope that the Senate shows more wisdom.

Richard E. Goodman


“Religion and Rights” (July 20) was a well-crafted editorial dealing with the complex relationships between church and state. I have a compromise solution to the complexity. What if all faith-based organizations would be held to the same standards that every other group receiving federal money must abide by? Namely, no proselytization or job discrimination. These religious groups should be leading us to the high moral ground anyway.

Ronald J. Degges

