
Mobile Homes Are the Answer

Re “O.C. Housing Crunch Hits Workers Hard,” July 11:

There is an easy and affordable solution to this problem through the development of mobile home parks. However, the cities in Orange County do not want the stigma of having “trailer parks.” Because of this, there has been no new development of mobile home parks since the early 1970s.

Today’s mobile homes are as well-built and attractive as conventional homes. An average 1,500-square-foot home contains three bedrooms and two baths. A typical design for a mobile home includes a built-on two-car garage. The average price for this type of home is $80,000 financed more than 30 years with a down payment of 10%. The monthly payment for the homes is approximately $660, plus the space rent of approximately $500. This is the average rent for an 1,100-square-foot apartment in Orange County.

There is currently a shortage of available mobile home spaces in Orange County. If the cities would allow new mobile home park developments, manufacturers and dealerships could fill a 200-space property within three months.


Matt Walker

President, California Mobile Home Park Management Co. Santa Ana


Can someone explain why The Times was able to get quotes from an “affordable” housing lobbyist but nothing from developers and builders to explain that city and county requirements and restrictions have made “affordable” housing unaffordable for them?

And why does Francisco Morales have four children while holding a $9.50-per-hour job?

Chris Suyenaga

