
Emmy Costuming Nominations

The nighttime Emmy Award nominations in the three costuming categories were incomplete in the list that was published last Friday.

A complete roster of those nominees follows.

Costumes, series: Jean-Pierre Dorleac, Gilberto Mello, “The Lot” (Mob Scene), AMC; Patricia Field, Rebecca Weinberg Field, Molly Rogers, Kevin Draves, “Sex and the City” (Sex and Another City), HBO; Juliet Polcsa, Lauren Press, Kim Wilcox, “The Sopranos” (Proshai, Livushka), HBO; Robert Blackman, Carol Kunz, “Star Trek: Voyager” (Shattered), UPN; Lori Eskowitz-Carter, Mary Walbridge, “Will & Grace” (Lows in the Mid-Eighties), NBC.

Costumes, miniseries, movie or special: Joan Bergin, Eimer Ni Mhaoldomhnaigh, Susan Scott, “David Copperfield” (Part 2), TNT; John Mollo, Barbara Rutter, “Horatio Hornblower” (Part 1), A&E; Frances Tempest, Shirley Nevin, Fiona McCann, Faith Thomas, “The Last of the Blonde Bombshells,” HBO; Dona Granata, Ann Peiponen, Brian Russman, “Life With Judy Garland: Me and My Shadows” (Part 1), ABC.


Costumes, variety or music program: Francois Barbeau, “Cirque Du Soleil’s Dralion,” Bravo; Wendy Benbrook, Wanda Leavey, “MAD TV” (No. 615), Fox; Shigeru Yaji, “Peter Pan Starring Cathy Rigby,” A&E; Tom Broecker, Eric Justian, “Saturday Night Live” (Host: Lara Flynn Boyle), NBC; Jef Billings, Regina Winters, “Target Presents: Scott Hamilton’s Farewell to Stars On Ice,” CBS.
