
‘Brady Bunch’ Trivia Is Popping Up


Cross “The Brady Bunch” with VH1’s “Pop-Up Video” and what do you get? “Pop-Up Brady,” which Nick at Nite introduces in two episodes beginning tonight at 9.

Each show airing during the next 10 weeks will be filled with Brady trivia gathered by Woody Thompson, co-creator of “Pop-Up Video,” who interviewed cast members including Florence Henderson, Barry Williams and Maureen McCormick.

A sample, from “Her Sister’s Shadow,” in which a jealous Jan (Eve Plumb) rants about overachieving sister “Marcia, Marcia, Marcia” (the show’s most memorable line): Which Brady actor did producers consider the smartest? That would be Susan Olsen, who thought her character Cindy was a “loser.”


More silly trivia: McCormick appeared on “Fantasy Island” nine times; Plumb was a guest on three occasions.

Granted, you’d have to be a huge Brady booster to even remotely care about this stuff, but it’s certainly one amusing way to freshen the series, which continues to be one of Nick at Nite’s most popular.

The 1968 pilot, originally scheduled to air tonight, has been postponed by the cable channel. In it, we learn that the late Robert Reed, a Shakespearean-trained actor, was not the original choice to play papa Mike Brady.


Believe it or not, the producers wanted Gene Hackman, as if he actually would have made that TV connection.
