
Missing in Action in ‘Survival Guide’

Thank you for the complete and useful Vacation Survival Guide (June 24). I always save it for reference throughout the year.

However, I noted that the railroad listing omitted the most useful rail site on the Web,, maintained by Germany’s Deutsche Bahn railway. Click on “International Guests” at the top, then click on “Travelservice (Timetable)” at the left to access a form in English where you can enter any two cities in Europe, including Eastern Europe.

The next screen will show all the departures, the type of train for each, arrival time and other information. Clicking on features below will bring up a map of the route, as well as arrival and departure times for each city along the way. It is the only site I’ve found that lists all trains in all European countries, whether they are part of the Eurail system or not. A great site for independent travelers.





The chart “Getting There by Air” in the Vacation Survival Guide failed to give detailed information about public transportation and major private shuttle and bus companies serving Los Angeles area airports. These automobile alternatives not only alleviate road congestion and air pollution, but they also enable airport patrons to avoid the hassles (and often the expense) of driving and parking.




I was very disappointed in the guide, mainly because you felt you needed to edit the Readers Recommend section. That is a wonderful resource and, in my opinion, should include all the recommendations from the entire year.

Also, please consider getting the guide to your readers earlier next year.


Los Angeles
