
Highlights at the O.C. Fair

Hours: 10 a.m. to midnight

Additional information at

All-Day Events

* Newborn Animals

* Oxen, Breeding Beef and Pygmy Goats on Display

* Small Animals on Display

* Variety of Crops and Animals on Display

* Orange Crate Label Display

* Dale Earnhardt Tribute

* Chinese Lion Dancers

* Weavers and Spinners, Fiber Arts Guild and Polymer Clay Guild

* Woodworkers Demonstrations

* China Painters Demonstrations

9:30 a.m.

* Market Rabbit Pens Judging

10 a.m.

* Junior Rabbits Judging

* Junior Pygmy Goats Judging

* Lime Light Dance Party

* Clown Patrol (until 8 p.m.)

10:30 a.m.

* Billy Erickson--Country Music

11 a.m.

* Melinda Lee Cooking Show/KFI AM 640--Live (until 3 p.m.)

* Sign Language Choir

* Betty’s Performing Arts Studio

* Chinese Lion Dancers

* Brad French--That Juggling Guy

* Picasso’s Place Art Center (until 7 p.m.)

* Great American Petting Zoo/Education Show

11:30 a.m.

* Billy Erickson--Country Music

* Orange County Fair Circus Fun Revue

* All-Alaskan Racing Pigs


* Orange Blossom Cloggers

* CA Elite All-Star Cheerleading

* Fred Gunderman Talks About Mycorrhizae

* Magic of Frank Thurston

* Main Street Dixieland Jazz Band

12:30 p.m.

* Charlie Keeling Glassblowing Demonstration

* Bill Erickson--Country Music

1 p.m.

* Folklorico Xcaret

* Royal T Square Dancers

* Chinese Lion Dancers

* Open Pygmy Goat Judging

* Mr. Fertilizer Don Knipp on “How to Make Your Grass Make More Oxygen”

* Twist ‘n’ Bend Limbo

* Brad French--That Juggling Guy

* Great American Petting Zoo/Education Show

* Maureen W. Puppet (until 6 p.m.)

1:30 p.m.

* Ceramics Demonstration

* Billy Erickson--Country Music

* Main Street Dixieland Jazz Band

* Magic of Frank Thurston

* Mad Science

2 p.m.

* Southland Ballet

* King’s Kung Fu Assn.

* Sign Language Choir

* Stuart Span from Roger’s Gardens Talks About Roses

* Squeeze Please Contest

* Wine Demonstration

* All-American Boys Chorus

* Traveling Game Show (until 7 p.m.)

* Brad French--That Juggling Guy

* All Alaskan Racing Pigs

2:30 p.m.

* Russell Brothers Circus

* Magic of Frank Thurston

* Doggies of the Wild West

3 p.m.

* Folklorico “De Colores”

* Rustlers Square Dancers

* Something Special

* Milking Demonstrations

* Jonathan Wild--A Little Bit Country

* Brad French--That Juggling Guy

* Main Street Dixieland Jazz Band

3:30 p.m.

* Charlie Keeling Glassblowing Demonstration

* Steve Lord--Singer/Guitarist

* Magic of Frank Thurston

* Mad Science

4 p.m.

* Just for Tonight--Barbershop

* Apadana’s Dance Company

* Grandma’s Cookie Jar Contest

* Betty’s Performing Arts--Keyboards

* Sweet ‘n’ Sour Lemonade Drinking

* Wine Demonstration

* Walter Colvin--Pianist (until 9 p.m.)

* Jonathan Wild--A Little Bit Country

* Great American Petting Zoo/Education Show

* Main Street Dixieland Jazz Band

* All Alaskan Racing Pigs

4:30 p.m.

* Ceramics Demonstration

* Steve Lord--Singer/Guitarist

* Russell Brothers Circus

* Magic of Frank Thurston

* Port City Washboard Wizards

* Doggies of the Wild West

5 p.m.

* Lokelani’s Rhythm of the Islands

* Eclectic String Band

* Jessica Salinaz--Vocalist

* Milking Demonstration

* Jonathan Wild--A Little Bit Country

* Vanguard Pacemakers (until 8 p.m.)

5:30 p.m.

* Steve Lord--Singer/Guitarist

* Orange County Circus Fun Revue

* Port City Washboard Wizards

* All Alaskan Racing Pigs

6 p.m.

* Gems and Minerals Identification (until 9 p.m.)

* Doggies of the Wild West

* Mad Science

* Lab Anti-Mall Concert Series

6:30 p.m.

* Twister Nightly Contest

* Charlie Keeling Glassblowing Demonstrations

* Port City Washboard Wizards

7 p.m.

* Milking Demonstration

* Hypnotist Mark Yuzuik

* Russell Brothers Circus

7:30 p.m.

* Ceramics Demonstration

* Dave McKelvy Trio

* Mad Science

8 p.m.

* Yesterday

* Oxen Team Presentation

* Groove Therapy

* Port City Washboard Wizards

* Speedway Fair Derby

* Sunchild

* The Terry Hanck Band (until 11 p.m.)

8:30 p.m.

* Billy’s Brass Band

9 p.m.

* Hypnotist Mark Yuzuik

* Port City Washboard Wizards

* Mad Science

9:30 p.m.

* Dave McKelvy Trio

* Sunchild

10 p.m.

* Groove Therapy

10:30 p.m.

* Billy’s Brass Band


* Noon: Soap Carving Contest

* 1 p.m.: Street Smarts/Assault Prevention

* 3 p.m.: U.S. Amateur Ballroom Dancers

* 8 p.m.: Village People in Concert

Source: Orange County Fair & Exposition Center
