
Community Grows Larger by 1 Block

The community of West Hills grew by a large block after the Los Angeles City Council approved removing the property from Canoga Park.

The new West Hills block, which is home to many businesses, is bounded by Topanga Canyon and Roscoe boulevards, Farralone Avenue and Hackney Street.

The boundary change was prompted by a petition sent to Councilman Hal Bernson’s office from the West Hills Property Owners Assn. Inc. and several businesses.


A small portion of the area was recently rezoned from commercial to residential, but the corner of Topanga Canyon and Roscoe is commercial.

The City Council approved the boundary change at its Wednesday meeting.

Charles Gremer, president of the West Hills Property Owners Assn., a homeowners group, said there had been concerns about the size of a condominium project proposed for the block.

“We had petitioned against the construction of 60 condominiums being built, and we got it reduced. We wanted that appendage to be a part of West Hills,” Gremer said.


Including the largely commercial block in West Hills also helped balance their community, Gremer said.

A Lowe’s store is planned for the northwest corner of Roscoe and Topanga Canyon, he said.

The addition of the block also creates a more linear boundary line for West Hills, straight down Topanga Canyon Boulevard to Roscoe, said Francine Oschin, assistant chief deputy to Bernson.
