
New Signal Has Been Installed


Dear Traffic Talk:

At the end of the Golden State Freeway’s San Fernando Mission Boulevard offramp, both lanes must turn right. There are three traffic signals at the offramp, and the center light is a red, green and yellow arrow signal. The DMV handbook says a red arrow means stop until the green arrow appears.

What does one do here? Does one need to wait for the green arrow to turn right? Are two red lights and a red arrow there for a reason?

--Wyman Hoshino


Dear Wyman:

The center signal was the wrong one, said Irwin L. Chodash, an engineer with the city Department of Transportation.


A correct signal--red ball, yellow ball and green arrow--was recently installed, Chodash said. The purpose of the light is to let motorists turn right on the red ball after stopping, he said.

Dear Traffic Talk:

I once read that the 170 Hollywood Freeway is closed to big rig traffic. I even mentioned this to someone, who pointed out several big rigs traveling on that freeway. Was I dreaming, or are there a lot of scofflaws?

--Robert Feldman


Dear Robert:

You were dreaming if you think you read that the freeway is closed to big rigs, because they are not prohibited from using the Hollywood Freeway, said Caltrans spokesman Joe Brazile.


Dear Traffic Talk:

Following the recent rains, potholes on our streets’ surfaces are proliferating at a rapid rate. Is there a number I can call to report the locations of these annoyances with the hope that repairs will be done within a reasonable time?

--Mary Ann O’Brien

Canoga Park

Dear Mary Ann:

You may call the city bureau of street services, which handles street and sidewalk repairs, tree trimmings and the installation and replacement of street signs, at (800) 996-2489.

Traffic Talk appears Fridays in The Times Valley Edition. Readers may submit comments and questions about traffic in the Valley to Traffic Talk, Los Angeles Times, 20000 Prairie St., Chatsworth 91311. Include your name, address and phone number. Letters may be edited, and no anonymous letters will be accepted. Fax letters to (818) 772-3385. E-mail questions to [email protected].
