
101 Killed in Kenya When 2 Buses Collide, Burn

From Reuters

At least 101 people were killed Wednesday when two buses collided and burst into flames in western Kenya, police said.

Police spokesman Peter Kimanthi said most of the bodies were burned beyond recognition.

The buses crashed at Kapkatunga, a rural business center near Kericho, about 125 miles northwest of Nairobi, the capital.

“We confirm the accident occurred shortly after 1 p.m.,” Kimanthi said. “It was a head-on collision, and the two buses burst into flames.


“We do not know how many passengers the buses were carrying. Country buses have a tendency to overload,” he added.

Police said 57 people had been admitted to hospitals with various injuries. Three escaped with light injuries.

Kenya’s long-distance buses normally are fitted with about 62 seats, but bus operators often take advantage of lax law enforcement and corrupt officials to carry double that number of passengers.


Police said the accident happened when one of the drivers lost control after negotiating a sharp corner and hit the other bus. They said 59 of the dead were in the second bus, which caught fire on impact.

Kenyans often complain about overloading and speeding by long-distance buses and blame them for the high accident rate.

One popular newspaper column Tuesday carried a contribution from a disgruntled passenger complaining about one of the companies involved in Wednesday’s accident.


“The passengers are packed like sardines, yet the buses manage to pass all the police roadblocks without a hassle,” Joseph Kwimba wrote.

“The drivers are reckless and dangerous. Maybe it is only when disaster strikes that action will be taken,” he said.
