
Development of Ahmanson Ranch

Re “Ahmanson a Marvel of Development--So Let It Develop,” Ventura County Perspective, Marcy 26.

For three decades I have been involved in efforts to better the way of life in our community. Back in 1988, I was invited to Ahmanson Ranch for a tour and orientation about the proposed plans for the property. I was one of many invited from both Los Angeles and Ventura counties.

It was obvious that the Ahmanson Ranch people were receptive to many concerns we had. As a result, they worked closely with many groups to come up with a well-planned, community-oriented development, working to deal positively with environmental issues and to preserve a maximum amount of open space.


Ultimately, the total open space was approximately 10,000 acres, of which 7,400 were owned, purchased and donated by Ahmanson to community parkland. The other 2,600 acres were bought by the taxpaying public, but the purchase was facilitated as a result of the ranch plan and the acreage was also transferred into public parkland.

In the history of development in this region, never has private ownership given so much and listened so carefully to develop and use a small portion of its land. The result is an excellent example of a well-thought-out community for 8,000 to 10,000 persons. It is a plan that should receive everyone’s support.

Instead, a few have fought it all the way and feel that the owners should dedicate 100% of the property to public use without compensation! How would you like that to happen to you as a landlord or homeowner?


It seems that these self-appointed extremists do not realize that humankind also has a right to be considered in our stewardship of life and living decisions. There is a time to back off and let a good thing proceed.


Thousand Oaks
