
Gun Control Measures

* In its March 21 editorial, “Crack In the Gun Wall,” The Times (predictably) lauds Smith & Wesson for agreeing to the handgun restrictions forced on it by the government. The Times then links gun manufacturers with tobacco companies, asbestos manufacturers and pharmaceutical firms. All are “corporate rogues.”

Nowhere in the Constitution does it mention the rights of the people to smoke tobacco, construct buildings with asbestos or use drugs. What the Constitution does say, and is very clear on, is that the right of individuals to “keep and bear arms” shall not be infringed--in other words, it guarantees all individuals the right to self-defense. The gun locks agreed to by Smith & Wesson compromise these rights--rights which have already been severely compromised by what appears to be calculated inaction by the federal government in refusing to prosecute the thousands of criminals in our midst.




Although Smith & Wesson bit the bullet, Glock will, in the words of one of its spokespersons, “stick to its guns” (“Glock Decides Not to Join Gun Industry Settlement,” March 22).


This is good news for Wayne LaPierre and Charlton Heston, a couple of high-caliber fellows who regularly shoot their mouths off because they get a big bang out of it. Although Heston is excellent at circling the wagons, his ability to fake emotions has largely been ignored by Hollywood casting directors lately. Pity. He needs something useful to do. A few months of honest work on an old-fashioned Hollywood oater would do that fellow a world of good. LaPierre could play Gabby, his faithful sidekick.


Los Angeles


Re Rep. Xavier Becerra’s (D-Los Angeles) feel-good legislation aimed at “fingerprinting” new firearms (March 22): L.A. Police Chief Bernard Parks should have warned him that it is a practical impossibility to do so. As a firearm is used, barrel and case markings must change due to friction and mechanical wear.

Hopefully, other legislation that these gentlemen support will be better thought out.


