
Movie Stars Pack Spago for Kids’ Benefit


Politicos, royalty and movie stars packed Spago restaurant in West Hollywood on Sunday night for a Rolling Stone magazine Oscar bash that raised $250,000 for Children Uniting Nations. The Los Angeles-based nonprofit group promotes the international welfare of parent-less, abused and homeless kids.

The party included a sit-down dinner of smoked salmon, goat-cheese-stuffed chicken and a chocolate dessert topped with an edible Oscar statuette that many guests had wrapped to go. Later, the crowd danced to the lively music of Gypsy Magic and patiently waited for the arrival of Oscar winners and nominees. But by 1 a.m., none of Oscardom’s biggies had made an appearance.

Glam Guests: Gov. Gray Davis and his wife, Sharon, were the evening’s honorary chairs and made the rounds, greeting more than 200 guests, including Jon Voight, Olivia Newton-John, Jeff Bridges, Maria Conchita Alonso, Jacqueline Bisset, Elizabeth Berkley and Ed Begley Jr.
