
Withdrawal of Rezulin

Finally, the FDA has come to its senses and withdrawn the diabetes drug Rezulin (March 22). As a diabetic living with this condition for 25 years, let those at Warner-Lambert know it is enough of a challenge dealing with this disease. The responsibility of numerous daily injections, blood testing, maintaining a restricted diet, avoiding diabetic complications and coping with debilitating high and low blood-sugar episodes are more than enough. We should not have to assume the responsibility of checking that the drugs we are prescribed are “safe.”

Shame on the FDA for its procrastination in withdrawing this drug and more shame on Warner-Lambert for consistently putting profit ahead of people’s lives.


Los Angeles


Regulatory agencies like the FDA were originally set up to protect the people from unscrupulous manufacturers and food processors. During the Reagan years, legislators responding to the concerns of their corporate backers began attacking the regulatory system. Regulatory agencies were ordered to cooperate with manufacturers and contractors. Today, thanks to the work of President Clinton, the transformation of the U.S. regulatory system is complete. Concern for corporate profits has now replaced the welfare of the public as the objective of America’s regulatory bodies. This transformation has enabled alleged lethal drugs like Rezulin to be rushed onto the market without sufficient research.


Before taking new drugs, American consumers would do well to access the information supplied by the British medical system, which still has the quaint notion that the patient’s welfare is paramount.


Rancho Mirage
