
Prop. 22 Support

* A March 8 article states that the author of Prop. 22 “received financial help from conservative Christian businessman Howard Ahmanson, a former trustee of an organization whose founder advocates the death penalty for homosexuality.” The implication of that statement is that I, therefore, must advocate the death penalty for homosexuality. Any such inference is utterly false: I do not now and I never have advocated the death penalty for homosexual behavior or for gay men or lesbians. Nor is it my understanding that the statement accurately reflects the views of R.J. Rushdoony, to whom it is undoubtedly referring.

Prop. 22 inspired heated opposition, which often took the form of attempts to vilify its supporters as extremists. A position held by a clear majority of California voters, who joined the voters of 30 other states that have previously enacted legislation similar to Prop. 22, could hardly be called extreme. I have no antipathy or ill will toward gay men or lesbians. The contrary innuendo in your article is unfounded and unfair to me and to the 4 million California voters who supported Prop. 22.


