
Giving Credit Where It’s Due

I read with interest Dana Calvo’s article on Nely Galan (“With Her, Everything Is a Production,” March 12). While the overall article is relatively balanced, it stated that at one point Galan had sent around a tape that just showed a “montage of red banners that billowed to a background Latin rhythm.” If Calvo were better informed of the nature of the television business, she would have realized that this tape was in fact the GaLAn company reel that highlighted the company’s body of work and award-winning graphics package that led to the successful launch of Fox’s network into Latin America.

For those who question what Nely has done: executive-producing awards shows honoring Latino achievements and convincing a major national network of the importance of airing them in prime time; launching channels into Latin America for Fox, Fox Kids, Fox Sports, TeleUno and MGM and producing their on-air promos; and concurrently executive-producing three new television shows for Telemundo, as well as producing their promotions. If that isn’t enough, then I’m not sure what constitutes enough in these people’s minds. Not to mention the fact that GaLAn Entertainment has hired and trained dozens of young Latinos and has been instrumental in placing many of them into entertainment union jobs, no small feat in this town.

The great thing about this country is that if you have the brains, guts and determination you can achieve anything, even if you’re a Latina swimming with the Hollywood sharks.



Vice President, Production

GaLAn Entertainment, Venice


Calvo’s article states that “in 1994, media mogul Rupert Murdoch hired [Galan] to launch Fox’s Latin America Channels.” Unfortunately for Galan, this is simply not correct. She has once again misrepresented the nature of her involvement.

The fact is that in 1993 I was recruited away from HBO, where I had a solid record for five years as director of business development, to launch the channel in a record four months. My new title at Fox was vice president of the channel.

As we had to launch the channel quickly, I outsourced a few aspects of the operation. Even though Galan had no experience with on-air promotion, I gave her company the opportunity to produce the channel’s promos.


So, while Galan did assist in the launch of the channel, it was as one of 50 people who were involved with the creation of the network. And while Galan did meet Rupert Murdoch, it was because I invited her to a meeting at which he was present. However, when I called Calvo to determine why she had credited Galan with the launch of the network, she sent me a fax in which Galan claims she was responsible for that endeavor.

Basta! It is high time that Galan learns that if she wants to “open doors for Latinos,” then she must begin by properly acknowledging the Latinos that have already made headway in the market with their own blood, sweat and tears, rather than conveniently stealing their credits. Until she learns this lesson, she will be hearing from my lawyers.


Santa Monica


If Calvo’s intention was to unfairly and unprofessionally judge the career of one of the few Latina role models in the entertainment business today, then she succeeded.


Calvo could have chosen to communicate the untold story of what it took for a Latina to kick open the gates of Hollywood, what she found when she got there, and what it has taken since then to keep the small crack in those gates open for other Latinos. Instead, Calvo chose to omit relevant details in favor of quotes by victimized individuals who, in the past, only took advantage of Galan’s generosity of spirit and funds.

In a time when the Latinos of this city must face crises of many kinds on a daily basis, do we need to focus on the negativity that exists among us or the positivity inspired by one of us? I will be canceling my subscription to The Times until I feel my community is taken seriously in the articles you consider publishing, as well as by the journalists you consider employing.


Co-executive producer, “Los Beltran”
