
Movies - March 26, 2000

The romantic comedy “High Fidelity” stars John Cusack as a none-too-successful Chicago record store owner whose longtime girlfriend (Iben Hjejle) finally walks out on him. With Jack Black, Lisa Bonet, Joan Cusack, Todd Louiso, Lili Taylor and Natasha Gregson Wagner. Opens wide Friday.

Three sons pay the “Price of Glory” for their father’s determination to realize through them his aborted dream of becoming a world champion boxer. Jimmy Smits and former Golden Gloves boxer Jon Seda star. Opening in general release on Friday.


Capturing the voices of women past and present, Mabou Mines, the critically acclaimed, avant-garde theater company from New York, presents the West Coast premiere of its bilingual production “Las Horas de Belen--A Book of Hours,” based on the history of Mexico’s Belen prison. Thursday and Friday at the Center for Performing Arts at Cal State Northridge.


Pop Music

What does a Backstreet Boy do while the group is taking a break? If you’re A.J. McLean (the edgy one), you become a rockabilly-esque character called Johnny No Name and go on stage to sing songs by acts ranging from the Commodores to Eminem to Stone Temple Pilots. The show comes to the Wiltern on Monday, with proceeds benefiting the Save the Music Foundation.


Widely regarded as the greatest tap dancer who ever lived, the phenomenal Savion Glover brings in ‘da funk with “Footnotes--The Concert” from Tuesday (preview) through next Sunday at the Wilshire Theatre in Beverly Hills. Along with veteran tappers Jimmy Slyde, Buster Brown and Dianne Walker, Glover’s co-stars include 10-year-old tap prodigy Cartier A. Williams.


The William Hall Master Chorale gives the first of two installments in “Voices of the Millennium,” today at St. Andrew’s in Newport Beach. This program features sacred music of the past 1000 years; the second, to be performed a year from now, offers secular music of the same period. Among composers heard today: Palestrina, Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Brahms, Britten and Copland.



Jack Sheldon is a talented trumpeter, singer and a frequently hilarious comedian. He plays duos with pianist Ross Tompkins at Spazio on Sundays, leads his California Cool Quartet at Lunaria on Wednesdays and this Monday celebrates the eighth anniversary of his swinging big band at Catalina’s.


Audiences got goose bumps when Haley Joel Osment whispered, “I see dead people,” to Bruce Willis in “The Sixth Sense.” Released in the dog days of summer, the ghost story became the second-highest-grossing film of 1999, receiving six Oscar nominations, including best film and best supporting actor. Written and directed by M. Night Shyamalan, the film comes to video and DVD on Tuesday.
