
Trade Filled Holes but Cost Angels a Fan

Well, it finally happened. Jim Edmonds, a Gold Glove, golden player who always treated the fans well and gave us everything he had, was traded by a smiling, lying Bill Stoneman who has single-handedly destroyed my 32-year loyalty to the Angels.

How dare he lie to Edmonds and all of us that “he is off the trading block” and then stand before the cameras and grin his face off over a one-season wonder and a throw-in!

And as for the sportswriters who have been drumming for Edmonds’ head for more than a year, are you finally happy? First you help run a class act like Chuck Finley out of town, and then you all but hang the get-out-of-town sign on Edmonds’ locker! You all ought to be ashamed of yourselves, but then you have shown nothing but contempt for Angel fans through the years, so what should we expect?


Jim Edmonds, I will miss your smile in the face of backbiting and adversity from ex-Angels and media alike, but I will never forget the 100% effort I saw in hundreds of games. You will take the best of my Angel memories with you, and I will be rooting for you as a Cardinal. Too bad I can’t say the same for the Stoneman Angels.


Temple City
