
High Gas Prices

* The politicians are just nibbling around the edges of the gas price problem with their proposals to suspend the gas taxes, draw from the strategic reserves, etc. The real solution is to abolish the sanctions against Iraq. They have not had the intended effect of hurting Saddam Hussein; they have just made things worse for the Iraqi people. If the sanctions were lifted, Saddam would sell all the oil he could pump, both for the revenue and to tick off his OPEC neighbors. With the increase in supply, the price would fall. We’d be doing a service for all the oil consumers of the world and also help the Iraqi people.




* On March 17 Americans were informed that Iran will be allowed to export carpets, pistachio nuts and caviar to the U.S. as a step toward the improvement of relations. No doubt this will be a great step in reducing our gasoline prices.


Los Angeles


* “Wrong Cure for Gas Price Malady” (editorial, March 15) left out one cure, which is to add 10% ethanol alcohol to our gas. This solution exists and is being sold by some refineries and can lower the amount of gasoline we would have to import. I have personally used 10% ethanol gas for years at no higher price, where it was available, and with no problem with my engine. The problem in using this solution is a political one and with oil companies and therefore it has never been implemented completely.





* The future is in the hands of gas-guzzling vehicle owners. Californians are hastening the day when they won’t be able to see the sun on the horizon through the forest of ocean oil rigs off our beautiful coast. Eventual world oil depletion and supply will demand their presence. It would behoove us to slow that eventuality.


Pinon Hills


* As a frequent visitor to California, I find myself laughing at all the concern being expressed by Times writers and readers about the price of oil. I’m a 61-year resident of Alaska. We have a partial solution to America’s oil crisis--allow for the opening of Alaska’s North Slope. It is estimated that there are billions of untapped oil reserves available for development. There is already a pipeline in place that can move the oil to California. Alaska and the oil industry have done a wonderful job in the development of the existing oil fields in my state. Oil development can occur without harming anything.

Wake up, California. If the Middle East oil barons saw that Alaskan oil fields were going to be developed, they would reconsider their current oil policy.



