
Comments Sought on Steelhead Trout

The public is invited to comment on a comprehensive plan to protect steelhead trout and other sensitive species that dwell in the Ventura River.

Steelhead habitat is affected by human activities, from road repairs to well drilling to pipeline construction. The fish, which swims from the ocean to mountain creeks to spawn during winter, is protected under the federal Endangered Species Act.

A habitat conservation plan outlining measures to protect the fish is being developed by local water agencies. The plan also will include measures to protect other fish species, amphibians, reptiles and birds that inhabit the river.


Public comments on the document may be presented during a 7 p.m. meeting Tuesday on the second floor of Ventura City Hall, 501 Poli St.

Once the document is complete, it will be subject to approval by federal wildlife authorities. For more information, call 677-4128.
