
Apparent BB Shot Hits School Window

A BB gun was fired into a classroom at Fillmore High School about noon Friday, sending bits of broken glass over the heads of students and prompting a police search of the campus, officials said.

No one was injured, and investigators with the Ventura County Sheriff’s Department have no suspects.

“Basically all the units we had in the area we sent [to the campus],” Capt. Rod Thompson said. “It was originally reported as [gun] shots.”


The small size of the hole in the window and reports from students convinced deputies that the shot came from a BB gun.

Officers were unable to find the pellet that broke a small pane of glass in the 11th-grade classroom. But students heard the discharge of an air gun moments before a quarter-sized hole appeared, said Principal John Wilbur.

One student seated near the window told investigators he had seen a white truck drive slowly eastbound on 2nd Street after the incident, but he was not sure the shot came from the vehicle, Wilbur said.


The shot disrupted an English lesson for 30 students, whose classroom is on the north end of campus.

English teacher Jennifer Bouffard reported the incident to the principal, who notified the school’s on-campus sheriff’s deputy.

Despite the brief investigation, the school day continued as normal, Wilbur said.

“Students weren’t overly alarmed,” Wilbur said. “Maybe it reflects a different attitude or a sign of the times.”
