
The ‘Natural Mad Uproar’ Over Laura Schlessinger

As a proud and gay physician, I attended the rally held against Laura Schlessinger (“Plans for Dr. Laura Protested at Studio,” by Brian Lowry, March 22). And what kept swirling through my mind as I heard about this physiologist (one who most likely missed the units on the heart and the brain) was the veritably incomprehensible audacity of someone who calls herself a Jew continually ranting about “biological errors” and implying that some of God’s creations are inferior to others.

The God I worship does not make errors. Even you, Laura, are an example of perfection: Your existence teaches me not to hate but to shout back and be strong.

Doesn’t this strangely smack of Berlin around 70 years ago? Where are you, Hollywood stars and elected officials? Won’t you help us?



Pacific Palisades


Dr. Laura already reaches millions of people each day through her radio show. Her comments on gays and lesbians make up only a fraction of the show’s general dialogue. Assuming that the television show will focus on the same broad range of issues as the radio show, how big is the threat really, assuming the show even succeeds at all?

If you don’t like the show, don’t watch it. And let the ratings decide.


Santa Ana


The protests shouldn’t have come as a surprise. Rearrange the letters in “Dr. Laura” and “Paramount” and you’ll get “Natural Mad Uproar.” Paramount execs must have done their own rearranging of letters, though. They saw “Laura Schlessinger” as “Cash Releasing Slur.”


Los Feliz


In our politically correct culture, tolerance is only a one-way street. Bashing Christian conservatives and Catholic beliefs is a 1st Amendment right. Laura Schlessinger and any conservative expressing their views about homosexuality are considered “bigots” with hateful speech.



