
Willie Fulgear

More often than not when I read Karen Grigsby Bates, I slowly shake my head, usually chuckle and think that this woman really is clueless. It never fails to amaze me how she can so consistently misinterpret or twist racial issues.

Concerning her Oscar article (Commentary, March 22), common sense dictates that Roadway Express would not pay a reward for the return of the stolen Oscars until all the facts were in. [Roadway paid Willie Fulgear a $50,000 reward on Thursday.] Did Bates really believe that if Fulgear was white, he would have had the reward sooner?


South Pasadena


Dumpster diving has been one of my passions for years. My friends have regarded me with more than a modicum of disdain, as I describe the treasures I have found. “A college graduate,” they often cry; “aren’t you afraid of disease?” “Nonsense,” I have replied with diminishing patience.


Thank you, Willie! I can only hope the ever-increasing competition won’t find my formerly critical friends alongside of us as we continue to seek (and find) from these mysterious vessels.


Los Angeles
