
Live Online ‘University’ Gives Small Businesses a Helping Hand

Marc Ballon covers small business and entrepreneurial issues for The Times. He can be reached at (714) 966-7439 and at [email protected]

Entrepreneurs with high-speed Internet access and free time can watch a new business program on the Web for tips on how to be a better business person. “Small Business University,” a live, 45-minute interactive show that airs every Thursday at 10 a.m., explores a different issue every week. Topics on past shows have ranged from from e-commerce to hiring to drug testing in the workplace. Past programs are archived for viewing.

Unlike traditional shows, Small Business University encourages audience participation. During the broadcast, business people can e-mail queries to studio guests and receive online responses.

Digevent, a 9-month-old Irvine start-up with 20 employees, broadcasts and produces five online shows weekly from its Web site, including “The Money Lunch” and programs on playing drums and guitar. Corporations and nonprofits also pay to broadcast press conferences, seminars and training sessions over Digevent’s Web site.


