
Former Prison Guard Gets 10 Years for Plot to Kill Wife

Associated Press

A former Corcoran State Prison guard was sentenced to nearly 10 years in prison for trying to arrange to have his estranged wife killed.

A jury convicted Francisco Gavaldon, 38, last month of solicitation to commit murder and conspiracy to file a false police report. The killing was never carried out.

Gavaldon was convicted of paying his brother-in-law, Dillon Fletcher, $1,000 to kill Donna Gavaldon, the mother of two of his children. Details of the planned killing were recorded by Visalia police with Fletcher’s cooperation.


The prosecution said Gavaldon also tried to get his son--14 years old at the time--to hit his wife’s daughter--10 at the time--in the mouth and blame Donna Gavaldon for the injury. The plan, formulated in an effort to improve his chances for child custody, led to his conviction on the conspiracy charge.
