
Arresting Sight for Cops Answering Urgent Call: Man Doing Same

Sirens were heard in a Burbank neighborhood the other night after a report of a burglary. An athletic 82-year-old resident who lives on a street above the victimized house started to hike down a hill to take a look. Midway through his descent, he felt the call of nature and sought the cover of some shrubbery. Just his luck that as he began to relieve himself, he would be spotted.

By police.

In a helicopter.

Shining a spotlight on him.


DON’T LET US INTERRUPT YOU: The helicopter quickly moved off in search of the burglar.


MORE BARE FACTS: The police log of the Los Alamitos News-Enterprise carried this item for March 18: “Seal Beach . . . 7th Street, 11:04 a.m. A naked man was reportedly sleeping in his Nissan, recovering from St. Patrick’s Day.”

Wonder if he recovered his clothes.


DON’T SLEEP THROUGH THIS DAY: As a public service, this column wants to remind readers that the April 15 income tax deadline is approaching. Just to dramatize the point, I’ve included snapshots (see accompanying) that show:


* A building with two businesses claiming to be able to read the IRS’ mind (from Jay Nicholas).

* The logo of a firm called IRS in Canada, whose motto is “Destruction With Care” (Jay Berman). Sounds similar to the aim of the IRS down here.

* And a business for those who think they’re being taxed to death (Nelson Hernandez).

Steve Harvey can be reached at (800) LATIMES, Ext. 77083, by fax at (213) 237-4712, by mail at Metro, L.A. Times, Times Mirror Square, L.A. 90053, and by e-mail at [email protected].
