
Jury Service

* Once again the annual jury summons has appeared in my mailbox. Each time, larger, longer, more complicated and with less flexibility. Financial hardship is no longer a viable reason to be excused. If financial hardship is to be given consideration, you must supply annual income and monthly expenses. I’m not applying for a credit card here! It appears I’m begging to maintain my existence and fulfill my financial obligations.

I’m not looking for an excuse not to serve, I am asking our government to find a solution to this “fleecing” of American citizens. It should not be the responsibility of my employer to pay my salary, which they do not, but for the government to find a way to adequately compensate those who serve as jurors. How dare the government demand that I or any other citizen accept $5 a day as adequate! There should be justice for those who serve, not undue stress to maintain personal, professional and financial obligations.


Woodland Hills
