
Click Here / A roundup of recommended Web sites

Bundyesque: Ever feel you should really be working at the post office? Take the Serial Killer Quiz at and discover your inclinations most internecine.

Big things: At the World’s Largest Roadside Attractions ( you can see the world’s biggest six-pack of beer (in LaCross, Wis.) or the biggest yogurt container (United Arab Emirates). But what’s really scary is the popularity of lobsters and ducks.

Dead celeb site of the week: Kurt Cobain answers your questions at Tackier than roadside attractions, but funnier too.


More answers: Who can resist a monkey in a fez? Even if it’s a bad monkey in a Magic 8-Ball kind of way: https://www.monkeypaw .com/monkeyland/magicfez/index.html

LACMA take note: Forget Pharaohs of the Sun, when’s the traveling exhibit from the Sulabh International Museum of Toilets (https://www .sulabhtoilet coming to town?
