
Teaching Math

Re “Debate on How to Teach Math Takes Cultural Turn,” March 17: In my 28 years of teaching, I have never seen a student who cannot perform basic arithmetic operations without a calculator succeed in algebra. Unfortunately, LAUSD thinks otherwise and continues to force all students regardless of skill level to take algebra.

If the new economy wants workers who have demonstrable skills in mathematics, then students and teachers must be willing to engage in intensive drill and practice in arithmetic beginning in kindergarten. Students must be willing to learn basic number facts to automaticity. And parents must be willing to support their children in their mastery of these skills.

This does not mean that the curriculum should exclude calculators, group projects, portfolios, alternative assessments, explorations and other such endeavors that the new math curriculum espouses. These should be utilized to supplement the traditional acquisition of arithmetic skills rather than the other way around.



Math teacher

Hollywood High School
