
College Job-Training Program Honored

A Valley College job-training program that prepared nearly 100 people for jobs with Krispy Kreme Doughnuts in Van Nuys last summer has won an award for excellence from a group of development coordinators at state community colleges.

The award from the Economic Development Network of California Community Colleges in Sacramento recognizes a three-week course in customer service skills given at the Valley Glen campus last August.

Krispy Kreme hired all 89 people who took the course. Many of the trainees were former welfare recipients, and many did not speak English, said Lennie Ciufo, Valley College job training director.


A second session of the course last month trained 103 students for jobs at a new Krispy Kreme in Huntington Park. The course will be repeated at other Los Angeles community college campuses, Ciufo said.

“They’re doing a really fabulous job, and there’s the potential to do more,” said Sandy Kirschenmann, director of the Economic Development Network.

A program that trains coffee machine technicians at El Camino Community College in Torrance and another that trains multimedia entertainment teachers at De Anza College in Cupertino also will be honored, Kirschenmann said.
