
Pisano’s Guitar Nights: Up-Close and Personal


John Pisano’s guitar nights at Rocco Ristorante in Bel-Air are among the Southland’s great musical bargains--not to be missed on several counts.

On Monday, for example, Pisano was joined by guitarist Doug MacDonald and bassist Jim Hughart for a program of exquisitely crafted standards. Next week, the style focus shifts dramatically with the appearance of blues expert Phil Upchurch. All this for no cover, no minimum, in a pleasantly intimate listening environment.

MacDonald and Pisano, of course, are both veteran artists with a predictably simpatico musical connection. Without any particular planning, they cruised easily through a set of tunes that included “Just Friends,” “The More I See You,” “I’m Confessin’,” “So Danco Samba” and “Have You Met Miss Jones.”


The subtle distinctions in their solo styles were apparent from the beginning: MacDonald’s brisk sense of swing and melodically oriented riffing; Pisano’s long, extended lines and sinuous, vocal-like phrases. Hughart, always a dependable accompanist, also served as a musical foil between the two guitars, his rich acoustic sound and arching solo lines cementing the music into a unified expression.

The real fun of Pisano’s guitar nights, however, is the opportunity to share the intimacy of a spontaneous musical experience. With all the seats at Rocco within 20 feet or so of the stage area, listeners can hear the quick banter preceding the selection of a tune, observe the smiles and head nods that serve as interactive directions between the players, and join in the wry laughter that bursts out when a number doesn’t quite find a way to end efficiently.

And, perhaps best of all, the music is heard in an almost completely acoustic setting. Guitar amplification is kept to a minimum--sometimes shut down completely--and the sounds emerge in their most appealingly natural state. It’s not the only way to enjoy music, but in a world of decibel overkill, it makes for a refreshing change of pace.


* John Pisano’s Guitar Night at Rocco Ristorante, 2930 Beverly Glen Circle, Bel-Air. (310) 475-9807. Next Monday, Phil Upchurch. April 3, Barry Zweig. April 10, Ron Eschete. No cover, no minimum.
