
Mistrial in Shootout Lawsuit

Re “Police Shootout Case Ends in Mistrial,” March 17: Isn’t it bizarre that anyone could find the police guilty in the heinous shootout in North Hollywood? Yet three jurors did so. Why would you risk even a 1% chance of injury to anyone else for assistance to a barbaric “low life,” as this robber was? And now the family wants to sue the police for this. Even though I have no respect for the family’s attorney, he is only doing a job. Even the wicked must be represented.


Thousand Oaks


Hung jury? How about a taxpayers’ suit against the family of that dead terrorist? That should recover the costs of the battle he caused. It should recompense the more than a dozen wounded in his battle, for their injuries and violation of their civil rights. It should pay for damaged property, vehicles, etc. It should have that family pay for the legal fees the protecting police officers have been forced to pay to defend their correct actions in combat conditions.

Above all it should disbar that ambulance chaser, to prevent further idiotic lawsuits.




Re Mike Downey’s “A World With No Bad Guys, Just Topsy-Turvy Juries,” March 17: Gee, I guess I’m just a bleeding-heart liberal, because I still believe it’s the job of the police to apprehend and it’s the job of the courts to determine guilt or innocence and then pass sentence. But that’s so costly and time-consuming when you’re sure someone’s guilty, right?


It all would be so simple if not for that darn Rampart scandal confusing everybody by showing just how willing the LAPD is to put its thumb on the scales of justice and then lie about it afterward. Sorry, Mike, but it’s time for the LAPD to face the music for its many transgressions.


Los Angeles
