
Edward Knipling; Used Sterilization for Insect Control

Edward F. Knipling, 91, who helped develop the radiation method of sterilizing insects harmful to plants, animals and humans. Knipling’s greatest contribution was eliminating the screwworm fly in North America and with it a threat to the livestock industry. With R.C. Bushland, Knipling used radiation to sterilize male screwworm flies, which then were released to mate with female flies in the wild. The unfertilized eggs did not hatch and the screwworm population eventually was eliminated. Kniping’s radiation method of insect control was praised for its efficiency and freedom from pesticides. Before his retirement in 1973, Knipling was director of the entomology research division of the Department of Agriculture’s research service. He won several awards, including the National Medal of Science in 1966. On Friday in Arlington, Va., of cancer.
