

Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program of the Center for Health Care Rights needs volunteer counselors to advise and advocate for Medicare beneficiaries at seniors’ centers and other locations throughout Los Angeles. Information: (800) 824-0780, Ext. 3021.

* Lupus Foundation of America, Southern California chapter, which is headquartered in Irvine, needs volunteers for clerical assistance, data entry and other areas. A four-hour-a-week commitment is needed; bilingual skills are helpful. Information: (888) 532-2322.

* Beach Cities Health District Center for Health and Fitness in Redondo Beach needs volunteers to answer phones, set client appointments and help with client sign-in. Information: Volunteer Center, South Bay-Harbor-Long Beach, (310) 212-5009.


* 1736 Family Crisis Center in Redondo Beach, which provides services to battered women and their children, needs administrative assistance in its shelters, including answering the hotline, making referrals and providing child care. Information: Volunteer Center, South Bay-Harbor-Long Beach, (310) 212-5009.

* Positive Yoga Los Angeles, which raises funds for breast and ovarian cancer research at USC/Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center, needs volunteers at events, yoga classes and a benefit dinner-dance. Help is also needed in data entry, catering and administrative support. Information: Maurice Kaehler, (323) 865-3838.

Information for this column should be submitted typed and double-spaced to Involvement Opportunities, Health, Los Angeles Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles, CA 90053.
