
‘Community’ Is a Flawed Concept

* Re “Developers Hiring Pros to Put Community Into Projects,” March 14:

The definition of community is a group of people who have something in common. The only commonality that people in a homeowners association have is that they are all members of the association.

What Ladera Ranch and these large superficial communities are trying to accomplish is frighteningly reminiscent of the movie the “Stepford Wives,” automatons that respond to the whims of “community coordinators” planning bunco games and barbecues.

The reality is that what appeals to one neighbor may not appeal to the next. Some people’s idea of “community” is a peaceful and private coexistence among close family and friends.


They do not necessarily wish to commingle with neighbors they don’t really know. There will be homeowners who will not appreciate the fact that their homeowners’ dues might be spent on bunco games and barbecues when they have no desire to participate.

The bottom line is: Life is busier these days. Those families who feel they already have very little downtime will prefer to spend it with their families, not with the “community.”

The homeowners association concept is inherently flawed and goes against everything we as Americans hold dear: our privacy, our homes, our freedom of expression.



