
Insured, Yes, but It Isn’t Enough

* Re “Lack of Health Insurance Looms Large,” March 5 Orange County Voices:

I appreciate Dr. Laurence Wellikson’s timely and insightful column regarding uninsured Orange County residents.

However, I wish he had mentioned the thousands of us who are underinsured.

In the last 12 months we have had to spend over $20,000 on our teenage daughter’s illness because PacifiCare’s HMO doesn’t cover it.

This tremendous expense has robbed our daughter of $20,000 she should have been able to spend on college.


I hope our next president will heed Wellikson’s advice so that all Americans will have equal and adequate medical care.

If Canada can provide such care to its citizens, surely the U.S. can do the same. It is a right that should have been provided to us years ago.


Laguna Niguel
